Online SCS Installation


If the SCS environment is ever expected to be offline or air-gapped in the future, follow the instructions for offline installation instead. Several dependencies must be put into place to support future upgrades.

Refer to the following steps to install SCS RPM with Internet access:

These instructions assume the Swarm zip file- downloaded from here- that looks like Swarm-v<version>-<date>.zip are unzipped to a new directory called /root/datacore.

  1. Install the EPEL release.

    1. Download the latest EPEL package.

      curl -fLO
    2. Install the downloaded RPM.

      yum install -y epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  2. If running Red Hat, enable the server extras repository.

    subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
  3. Copy '/root/datacore/Swarm-<version>/SCS/podman-packages-scs-<version>.tar and place it into the folder ‘/root/datacore’.

  4. Extract the file ‘podman-packages-scs-<version>.tar’.


This creates the ‘podman_packages’ directory under the ‘/root/datacore/’ directory. This location is used in the next step to set up the podman repo.

  1. Add a new local repo

  2. Enable the new Podman repo.

    • CentOS (no additional steps are required)

    • Red Hat

  3. Verify Podman is listed as an enabled repo.
    Example output:

  4. Change back to the /root/datacore/Swarm-<version>/SCS/ directory

  5. Import the GPG key if needed.

  6. Install the SCS RPM.

  7. Verify SCS is installed properly. The ERROR about being unable to connect to the Swarm Cluster Services API is expected at this step and is not cause for concern.

    Example output:

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