Online SCS Installation

Refer to the following steps to install SCS RPM with Internet access:

  1. Install the EPEL release.

    1. Download the latest EPEL package.

      curl -O
    2. Install the downloaded RPM.

      yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  2. If running Red Hat, enable the server extras repository.

    subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
  3. Copy '/root/datacore/Swarm-v14.1/SCS/podman_packages.tar and place it into the folder ‘/root/datacore’.

  4. Extract the file podman_packages.tar (NOTE: containers-common-1-19.el7.28.1.noarch.rpm must be added to the podman packages shown below!!!)

  5. Note:
    This creates a folder “podman_packages” in the /root/datacore folder.

  6. Add a new local repo with '/etc/yum.repos.d/podman.repo' path shown as below:

  7. Enable the local repo on:

    • CentOS (no additional steps are required, this shows the repo as enabled)

    • Red Hat

  8. Verify podman is listed as an enabled repo.

  9. Install SCS build.

  10. Check the scsctl help command to verify the SCS is installed.


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