
DataCore Swarm supports Encryption At Rest (EAR) in order to provide full disk encryption of Swarm disks / volumes. Prior to and including Swarm 11.0.x, Swarm EAR volumes were encrypted using Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) version 1. Subsequent Swarm versions (11.1+) implemented EAR using LUKS version 2. This article outlines guidance for EAR support when it’s necessary to upgrade from Swarm versions using LUKS version 1 to LUKS version 2.

LUKS version defaults

Compatibility Guidance

Guidance for Upgrade Safety

When preparing for an upgrade from Swarm 11.0.x or earlier to 12.0+, the following steps should be performed if a rollback of Swarm versions is anticipated:

The above procedure will protect data in the cluster when the potential for adding new nodes / drives exists post-upgrade but then subsequent rollback is deemed necessary.

NOTE: the disk.encryptionType setting is not dynamic and can only be set on node / cluster restart. Once it’s determined that the upgrade to Swarm 12.0+ is successful and no rollback will be required, it’s recommended that the setting disk.encryptionType = luks1 be commented out / removed from the node / cluster configuration files, followed by a reboot of the nodes in the cluster. This will insure that all subsequent nodes / volumes added to the cluster will utilize LUKS version 2 for EAR, which is the recommended LUKS version.