Older Gateway

SeeĀ Upgrading from Gateway 5.x if not on Gateway version 6 or higher.

Perform rolling upgrades of Gateway 6.0 and higher:

  1. (Load balancer users only) In the load balancer, disable traffic for the specific Gateway being upgraded. Allow traffic to continue flowing to the other Gateways.

  2. Stop the Gateway service.

    systemctl stop cloudgateway
  3. Apply any operating system patches before upgrading the Gateway.

  4. Upgrade the Gateway service:

    yum -y install caringo-gateway-VERSION.rpm
  5. Reload the systemd control scripts:

    systemctl daemon-reload
  6. Upgrade the Swarm Storage UI:

    yum -y install caringo-storage-webui-VERSION.rpm
  7. Upgrade the Content UI:

    yum -y install caringo-gateway-webui-VERSION.rpm
  8. Enable and start the Gateway service:

    systemctl enable cloudgateway
    systemctl start cloudgateway
  9. (Load balancer users only) In the load balancer, re-enable client traffic to the newly upgraded Gateway.

  10. Repeat the process for the remaining Gateways.