Versions Compared


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  1. Open a support ticket and note the ticket number (such as 220331-000023) to use when uploading files.

  2. Download the bundle: swarm-support-tools.tgz

    1. CLI download command example:

      Code Block
      cd /root
      wgetcurl -fO

      Run the following if an ERROR If you happen to use wget instead of curl, and run into an error regarding verification of the certificate is returned and then re-run the wget command above:

    2. Code Block
      yum -y install ca-certificates
  3. Extract the tools in the /root directory on the server (CSN, Elasticsearch, SwarmNFS, or Gateway).

    1. CLI extraction command example:

      Code Block
      tar -xf swarm-support-tools.tgz
  4. Navigate to the tools directory, which is usually /root/dist.

    Code Block
    cd /root/dist
  5. Recommended: Update the support bundle if significant time has passed since the bundle was last downloaded or updated. The version can be checked by viewing the REVISION.txt file.

    1. Check the version by viewing the contents of the REVISION.txt file:

      Code Block
      cat REVISION.txt
    2. Update the bundle to the current version:

      Code Block
  6. Execute the script:

    1. Standard bundle grab:

      Code Block
      ./ -A <Swarm "admin" user password>
    2. If your Swarm cluster is configured with an administrative user that is not “admin”, then you will need to also include the -U <admin username> like so:

      Code Block
      ./ -U <admin username> -A <admin user password> 
    3. This username and password is for the Swarm cluster itself, and are not necessarily the same credentials configured to access the Swarm UI/ Content Portal as that uses a policy configured on the Content Gateway in policy.json/ idsys.json.

    4. Presuming a current version (post 2023_0825) of the support tools (see above), and internet connectivity from the server that is running the script, the -u [ticketid] flag can be used to automatically upload the bundle output to the support ticket. This will automatically update the ticket and let Datacore Support know. Example:

      Code Block
      cd [support tools directory, typically /root/dist]
      ./ -A datacore -u 210621-000063

      Bundle grab including the settings checker output. This is only needed for Swarm upgrades. See Storage Settings Checker for more details. Make sure to run from the support bundle if preparing for an upgrade if you didn’t just download the bundle. We make changes frequently to the bundle, and upgrade preparation requires the most current versions of our tools.

      Code Block
      ./ -s
  7. Note the name and location of the tarball created by the script.
